Raised Paste, Enamel and Flow Enamel on a Vase and Pendant

by Gloria Bordeaux Knapp

With the assistance of Maria Plancarte, the pieces shown are a Victorian Vase with work of "elevated paste for Gold", overlayed with Roman Gold in a definite pattern surrounding the vase. There are 6 sides of Roses and Jeweling of garnets surrounding the designed roses.

The pendant (My initial "G) was done with elevated paste for Gold, surrounded by divided scallops on the edge done with little dots of paste for gold....tedium.....lots of work on both pieces..

Scrolls of gold add to the directions and flow of the design of both pieces...

Inside the scallops, please notice the "FLOW" enameling which really adds to the piece. Also notice please that on the vase you see the "Jeweling"...little elevations of garnet colored enamel, which are supposed to look like jewels...I suppose....


NOTE from Marci: Click HERE for directions on how to mix and use Plancarte enamels and raised paste.


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