PPIO online lessons


This is a sneak preview of more of the lessons that are on the PPIO Members' Only area of our website. In order to download the lessons themselves, you must be a paid member of PPIO and access the lessons via the Members Logon page . You will need your username and password.

If you are not currently a paid member of PPIO, you can find information on membership on the Membership page or by CLICKING HERE.

To see pictures of Page 1 of lessons, CLICK HERE

To see pictures of Page 2 of lessons, CLICK HERE



by Ann Cline


with running Turp background
by Marci Blattenberger


Jingle Bell Border

by Celeste McCall


Holly Border

by Celeste McCall


How to Mix PURE Color

by Marci Blattenberger


Dewdrops and Teardrops

by Marci Blattenberger



Part 1

by Marci Blattenberger



Part 2

Values in a Background

by Marci Blattenberger


Lady in Orange

by Lynn Al-Qahtani



by Shelley Fairres

with painted samples sent by

Ann Cline


Lemons , Limes and Peaches

by Lynn Al-Qahtani



by Anne Astorino


Salt Lusters

by Marci Blattenberger


Laser Cut resist

By Marci Blattenberger


Butterfly necklace

by Marci Blattenberger


Eagle Monochrome

by Tami Durbin


Eagle and Mountains

by Tami Durbin


Thatched Cottages

by Marci Blattenberger


Eagle Features

by Tami Durbin



the same study in different colors
How color can change the look

by Tami Durbin