Eagle Features step by step by Tami Durbin |
Eagle Features Step-By-Step
Eyes Second Fire: Paint the pupil Black using just a touch of Dark Brown mixed in the black. Wipe out the highlight. Paint the iris Pecan (Yellow Brown ) towards the pupil and the outside. Wipe out the highlight at the lower right. Paint around the outside of the iris using Red Grape. Fire .017 Third Fire: Reinforce the Black on the pupil if needed. Wipe out highlights. If needed reinforce the pecan on the iris. Paint over the Red Grape area using Black Grape. Reinforce dark areas of the feathers using Hair brown. Can add a touch of Dark brown if needed. Fire .018
Beak Second Fire: Paint the beak Pecan (Yellow Brown). Wipe out highlights. Reinforce the Warm Gray color on the feathers around the beak. Paint the mouth area Red Grape and Black Grape. Wipe out highlights. Inside the nostril is Red grape. Fire .017 Third Fire: Reinforce the yellow colors. Reinforce the Black grape and the Red Grape inside the mouth area. Wipe out highlights. Use Black Grape inside the shadow area of the nostril. Fire .018
Feet Second Fire: Paint the shadows in with Pecan (Yellow Brown). Reinforce the talons with Black Grape. Wipe out the highlights. Fire .017 Feet: Paint in the shadow area using Hair Brown. Wipe out highlights. If needed, reinforce the talons with Black Grape. Fire .018
Body Feathers Second Fire: Reinforce any dark shadows using Dark Brown. Third Fire: If needed reinforce the dark shadow areas with Dark Brown. Fire .018
White Feathers: Second Fire: Light washes of Transparency and Copenhagen distributed. Third Fire: If needed reinforce Transparency and Copenhagen.
Hope you enjoy painting an eagle. |